Development and Impact of Evidence-Based Coaching

Jack Mezirow

Jack Mezirow

Coaching guided by insights from Transformational Learning Theory by Columbia University’s Jack Mezirow and Cognitive Behavior Modification by Aaron Beck of University of Pennsylvania.

Aaron Beck

Aaron Beck

Cognitive behavior modification identifies habitual automatic thoughts, thinking errors, self-talk, and underlying core beliefs that interfere with goal achievement.

These empirically-validated approaches have been effective in sustaining changes in thoughts and related behaviors, leading to greater capacity to achieve goals.

Coaching’s Impact on Organizations and Individuals

Kenneth De Meuse

Kenneth De Meuse

Coaching has been shown to enhance individual performance, self-awareness, influence, organizational acumen, executive presence, collaboration, managing change, developing team members, and other business outcomes in impact studies by Korn Ferry’s Kenneth de Meuse, Guangdong Dai, and Robert J. Lee.

Rebecca Jones

Rebecca Jones

These changes have been related to increase employee engagement and satisfaction, customer loyalty, business partner relationships, and business growth, using both qualitative and financial measures in a meta-analysis by Aston Business School’s Rebecca J. Jones, Stephen A. Woods, and Yves Guillaume.

Factors That Increase Coaching’s Impact

Tim Theeboom

Tim Theeboom

Research conducted by International Coach Federation, academically-based investigators including University of Amsterdam’s Tim Theeboom,  Bianca Beersma, and Annelies E.M. van Vianen, and an international survey by the American Management Association indicate that coaching outcomes are significantly related to:

  • Allocating time and financial resources to achieve desired goals through coaching,
  • Discussing personally-meaningful goals and potential actions to achieve them,
  • Measuring impact before, during, and after the coaching engagement,
  • Recommending ways to enhance the effectiveness and impact of coaching conversations at each meeting.

These studies and others suggest the value and impact of coaching to develop leaders and to achieve organizational goals.

-*How might you engage with Evidence-Based Coaching to move closer to your personal goals?

To schedule a complimentary consultation with
Kathryn Welds, PhD, ABPP, MCC, ESIA, EIA, CMC